Making (mini)contracts plays a significant role in maintaining a consensual professional relationship between client and facilitators/coaches/practitioners.
As a professional facilitator/coach, it is important to practice “contracting” as taught by Dr. Wendy Patterson of Imago International Training Institute to obtain a client’s consent because it respects the client’s autonomy.
Respecting a client's autonomy is crucial for several reasons:
1. Empowerment: Respecting autonomy empowers clients to take ownership of their own lives, choices, and decisions. It acknowledges their ability to make informed choices based on their unique values, preferences, and circumstances.
2. Self-Determination: Autonomy is closely tied to an individual's sense of self-determination. By honoring their autonomy, you recognize and support their right to control their own actions and pursue their own goals.
3. Trust and Collaboration: Respecting autonomy fosters trust and collaboration between the coach and the client. It establishes a partnership where the client feels heard, valued, and involved in the coaching process. This collaborative relationship is more likely to yield positive outcomes.
4. Motivation and Engagement: When clients have a sense of autonomy, they are more motivated and engaged in the coaching process. They feel a greater sense of ownership over their progress and are more likely to actively participate and commit to the steps they've chosen.
5. Personalization and Tailored Approach: Each individual is unique, with their own values, beliefs, and preferences. Respecting autonomy allows for a personalized and tailored coaching approach that considers the client's specific needs and desires. This increases the relevance and effectiveness of the coaching process.
6. Ethical Responsibility: As a facilitator/coach, it is your ethical responsibility to prioritize the well-being and self-determination of your clients. Ultimately, respecting a client's autonomy recognizes their inherent worth as an individual and honors their right to make choices that align with their values and desires. It creates a supportive and empowering coaching environment that promotes growth, self-discovery, and positive change.
To learn how to formulate and phrase mini-contracts during sessions or you have questions about Imago Professional Communication Facilitator training programs, email
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Upgrade how you communicate, Choose how you connect, Improve how you lead.
- Sonali Sadequee, Imago Communication Facilitator